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As of 1 January 2021, the Student Health Care Foundation (FSHS) will provide student health care services to all university students, including universities of applied sciences.


Eligible for FSHS services are students who have registered to attend and who complete​ a Bachelor's of Master's degree in a university or university of applied sciences.

Exchange students or open university students are not eligible for FSHS services.


You can read about student health care services on the Student Health Care Foundation's website.


University student health care fee from 1.1.2021


From 2021, students entitled to FSHS services have to pay a health care fee to Kela. No invoice will be sent for the fee, but the student must pay the fee on their own initiative.


The health care fee can be paid in Kela's online service. Up-to-date information on the university student's health care fee and its payment on Kela's website.



info (at)

Office opening hours

Ma-Thu 11am- 1pm

Helsinki office

Kyläsaarenkuja 2

00580 Helsinki

2nd floor, room 221

© 2020  by O'Diako

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