Peer tutoring
What does a tutor do?
The tutor has an important role in introducing the new student to Diak. The tutor is not an authority, but rather a friend. The most important ability of a tutor is to understand the new student because the tutor has been in the same situation and has faced similar issues. Tutoring is of utmost importance in the very beginning of studies.
The tutor's duties consist of introducing the new student to Diak studies, the campus and the surrounding area and its services, and telling other important things to the student. Tutors meet with new students in the beginning of their studies and at least a few times during the semester. It is important that the tutor is available for the questions of the new students even outside the scheduled meetings.
The tutor does not need any special skills or previous experience: the most important thing is the interest and passion for helping new students. At the same time, as a tutor, you get to know your fellow students more and gain valuable experience in peer tutoring.
What do you get for being a tutor?
Tutoring is itself an amazing experience! In addition, you will learn several skills that are also useful for working life. You can also apply for 2 credits for optional studies. If you do not want credits, you can apply for a work certificate as a tutor!
How to become a tutor?
O’Diako arranges the tutoring for new Diak students. The call for new tutors is open twice a year, DSS and Nursing tutors in spring. Students will be notified of the call in social media and the website.
O'Diako arranges training for tutors and is responsible for the good quality of tutoring so that every student gets a comfortable start in their studies. O’Diako also takes care of organizing events for new students in cooperation with the tutors.
Who can I ask for more information?
You can ask more about tutoring and applying for a tutor from the following people:
Specialist for guidance and international affairs
Kaisu Ojala​
Board member of international affairs
Santeri Karttunen (Helsinki)
Roosa Timoniemi (Oulu)
Eleonor Kahakorpi (Pori)
​Nea Karttunen (international affairs)